Rhythm & Mindfulness


Join us for an interactive workshop with an artiste who is completely immersed in rhythm. Remember, the first sound you heard was the heartbeat of your mother, so it’s no wonder that regular rhythmic sounds of water/earth (rain drops, waves against a shore etc) can be tranquil and can help us connect with our core. In this workshop we will introduce the idea of rhythm in heartbeats and the rhythm surrounding us. Spaces are limited to allow for discussion and sharing of experiences. For zoom ID and password please call 07949 268 017 or email events@lilyartswellbeing.com.

Author: Sidrah Muntaha

I am a Psychologist with a special interest in the role of music to promote emotional well being and recovery from severe mental health difficulties. I enjoy listening to music, writing about songs and performing traditional Bangladeshi and Hindi songs which hold specific meaning for me. I find that using music in my own life has helped me to process emotions and helped me to find a healthy outlet for creativity. I think everyone has some sort of creativity within themselves but may need support to know how to access it! ©Copyright www.sidrahsite.wordpress.com

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